We want all our new pupils to come to CMDance feeling relaxed and knowing whats ahead. Here are some of our most frequently asked questions...
What should my child wear?
Anything she is comfortable in leggings, t-shirt, trainers. Please don't rush out and buy dance clothes or dance shoes for the first class, there is no need.
Once your child is settled in at CMD we highly recommend ordering a uniform to fully feel part of the school. Click the link on our uniform tab to order!
How much are classes?
Please email us through the 'contact us' tab at the top and we can let you know the class prices. We want every member to feel comfortable and happy with their choice so you will get your first class for free!
Classes start at £7 per class and range from £7 to £14 per week. Classes are paid on a monthly basis. You only pay for classes during term time, you do not pay for classes when the dance school is closed for the holidays.
What happens during a class?
Firstly we do a warm up and stretch all together.
Next we do some technique, it could be kicks, arms, turns, jumps and so on.
Following that we separate into our classes.
Pupils learn routines, play dance related games and learn dance skills such as counting music and learning to work as a team as well as learning dance routines.
The pupils have a small break where they can have a drink and a small snack that they bring, and a wee chat with each other!
After the short break the pupils cover more routines, games and skills.
Finally we do a small cool down stretch and a quick chat at the end of class.
Of course all classes can be slightly different week to week, but this gives you a rough idea.
Do you do shows?
Yes, we do an annual display in Rutherglen Town Hall in June each year. We also perform at community performances throughout the year.
Do you do exams?
We can offer BATD exams on request.
If you have any more questions just hit the 'contact us' tab at the top of the screen to get in touch, we are more than happy to answer them for you!